Raggers program promotes personal growth

Raggers is a YMCA goal-setting program for young people. Program participants set goals for themselves—related to physical, mental, spiritual, and community well-being and connect with a mentor to work toward these goals. Rags are used as a physical reminder of the goal a participant is working toward, hence the name, “Raggers.”


How Raggers works

Once someone decides to participate in Raggers, they meet with a mentor of their choice to set goals in areas associated with their level of rag. A mentor can be anyone who has also taken on the challenge of the rag. Once the goals have been determined, Raggers write themselves a letter about their goals and then participate in a ceremony to receive their rag.

The RAG is...
  • A symbol
  • A reminder
  • A challenge for growth
  • A responsibility
  • A "push" forward
  • A personal decision
  • A lifelong reminder to be one's best
  • A personal calling to humility
  • An encouragement to help others
The RAG is not...
  • A requirement
  • A decoration
  • An award for achievement
  • A reward or prize
  • A "pat " on the back
  • Measuring myself by others
  • Self-centered
  • A status symbol
  • Religious, unless a participant chooses it to be
Raggers Creed
  • I would be true, for there are those who trust me.
  • I would be pure for there are those who care.
  • I would be strong for there is much to suffer.
  • I would be brave for there is much to dare.
  • I would be a friend to all the foe - the friendless.
  • I would be giving and forget the gift.
  • I would be humble for I know my weakness.
  • I would look up—and laugh, and love, and lift.
Program History

In 1914, 38-year-old Thomas Caldwell, boys' secretary of the Oakland, California YMCA was searching for a method to positively reinforce program participants. At the time, the method used by many YMCA Camps was to present awards for participation in athletics and other activities. Caldwell considered this but discarded the idea because a handicapped boy, Charles Von Konnigsburg, would be unable to win such an award, and was expected to attend camp.

Caldwell's aspiration evolved into the idea of rewarding positive character traits, such as good health habits, promptness, cheerfulness, morals, trust, and helpfulness. To symbolize these positive qualities, Caldwell bought some very simple blue kerchiefs which he called “rags ” for 10 cents each from the Williamson's County Store in Pescadero. Their simplicity signified that, in and of themselves, the rags had no value-rather, they were just a symbol of positive qualities the person had demonstrated.

During an evening campfire program, Caldwell called several of the boys forward. As he tied the rag around each boy’s neck, he explained to him, and the camp, the reason for receiving it. Thus, a tradition was started.